Community Action Partnership of North Alabama


Pre-K Applications and Registration

Parents must use the online application system offered by the State of Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education to apply for the First Class Pre-K voluntary Pre-K program. Children must be 4 years of age on or before September 1st of the applicable school year to qualify. Enrollees must provide a copy of the child's birth certificate and proof of residence (may be uploaded into the online pre-registration site or submitted directly to the local program). Upon enrollment, child's immunization record must be provided. There is no registration fee and no child will be denied participation based on income, sex, race, color, national origin or disability.

Parents of children applying at Head Start Pre-K sites MUST complete the Pre-K application in addition to the Head Start application.  

*NOTE: It is recommended that the application process be completed on a tablet (ex: iPad), laptop or desktop computer.


If you have already read and understand the registration instructions, click here to go directly to the Alabama First Class Pre-K Online Pre-registration site:

Pre-K Reg


Parent Pre-Registration Guide





Click the image to access the PDF document.

Padres Guía de Pre-Registración




Haga clic en la imagen para acceder al documento PDF

All applicants are required to have a valid email address to complete the registration process.  If you do not already have an email address, click either the Gmail (Google) button or the Yahoo Mail button to set up your free email account.

Create an email account here:


